
Hogmanay in Dornoch


Hogmanay in Dornoch is a wonderful time in Dornoch and the annual Street Party is well known and well attended. An event where everyone comes together - visitors and locals alike - for an evening of music, dancing and everyone's own rendition of Auld Lang Syne.

A brief outline of the celebrations is below but will be updated when the entire programme of events is available:

10pm – The Dornoch Hogmanay Street Party Band kick off the evening
10:00pm – 11:55pm – Live Music in the Square, dancing is encouraged!
11:55pm – The Lone Piper on the battlements of the Dornoch Castle brings in the New Year!
Midnight – The Fireworks!
Midnight – 1:30am – Live music in the Square (and dancing!) resumes!

If you would like to donate to help us raise funds for the Hogmanay Street Party, please click the button below. All money donated will go to the Hogmanay Street Party.

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